With Ramadan just around the corner, it is time to let go of the bad habits and fully prepare for the spirit of the holy month.
Ramadan is a month of mercy, forgiveness, and heightened worship for Muslims in Qatar and around the world. With the holy month comes a special vibe felt across the entire country, even for those who don’t participate.
With just over a week left for the special event, there are several ways you can prepare your mind, body and soul. Here are five easy tips to help you get ready.
Break bad habits
To start Ramadan right, it is essential to self-reflect and start practicing a more healthy approach to life. While this will make you a better person, it will also help you when you have to abstain from your go-to tools. If you are a smoker, a coffee addict or you just can’t stay away from sugar, now would be the time to try and cut down.
Read also: Social centre Hifz Al Naema to distribute thousands of Ramadan iftar packages
Start by setting goals for yourself that you always wanted to achieve, and even set challenges with your friends and family that can encourage you to keep track of your progress.
Eat moderately
Abstaining from food for a long period of time can be challenging for many, so it is important to prepare yourself before jumping into fasting this Ramadan.

For the next week or so, pick out specific days to participate in intermittent fasting to help your body get used to an empty stomach. This will help you manage any side effects that come with fasting, such as fatigue and headaches. You can also try to evaluate the nutritional content of different food items that you eat daily and go for healthier, more filling options.
Do not overeat or go on hunger striker, but rather develop a mentality of “moderation” that can provide you with enough energy to kick off the day!
Give back
Giving back to the community is always a good way to refine yourself while also helping others when they need it most. Although donating isn’t bound by a specific month, Ramadan is the perfect time to get into the habit of giving back.
If we all help each other in times of need, the world can be a better place. Start by looking through charity organisations in Qatar and donate to whichever region and cause you find best fits your purpose. There are also charities that organise iftar drives – consider signing up to volunteer!
Meditate and reflect
Meditation might be just what you need to clear your mind to help refocus on your Ramadan goals for this year. Proven to be greatly beneficial for your health, meditation can also help you relieve stress, anxiety.
Afterall, meditation is a key element of Ramadan and you are encouraged to reflect. Start by getting into the habit now by taking some much-needed breaks from work, socialising and social media. This will help you set the routine for the coming month.
Prepare your home
Nothing says Ramadan vibes more than beautiful decorations to lift your spirits!
Decorating is a way to welcome the spirit of Ramadan into your home and an added bonus would be to spend quality time jazzing up your space with your family members.
This is especially helpful now when it’s hard to visit mosques for the nightly Taraweeh prayers. To compensate, consider making a “prayer corner” to help yourself, family and children get the dose of Ramadan they need, despite the pandemic.
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