Qatar to reap rewards from its rebel aid?
The Wall Street Journal covers Qatar’s involvement in the Libyan revolution today, citing earlier statements by opposition leaders praising the country for its assistance.
Reporter Nour Malas writes that providing training, equipment and funds to the rebels have left Qatar “best-poised to help mediate a political transition” in a post-Gaddafi Libya.
Specifically, benefits to Qatar outlined in the article include:
- Carving an outsized role for itself in the Arab Spring
- Likely keeping a role in oil trading in Libya
Not much else is listed as a reward ready to be reaped.
What do you think? Is Qatar likely to win big for supporting the Libyan revolution? Was political gain the state’s motivation? Or some other reason? And was its involvement worth it?
Credit: Photo by Omar Chatriwala (me) at a Libyan opposition rally in Qatar earlier this year