The General Command of the Qatari Armed Forces is calling upon some of the country’s residents to “be cautious for their own safety” as marine exercises will be conducted between April 7 and April 11.
The training will be conducted from 7am to 3pm at the marine shooting range, located “toward the east from the area of Mesaieed, a distance of 40 km at an angle of 105 from the port of Mesaieed and next to Fasht Alhadid from the east and extends to the southern island of Shira’aw,” QNA reports.
Qatar has conducted other military exercises in recent months, including the Gulf Falcon Exercise 2013, which was held in collaboration with the French Armed forces and involved the training of some 1,700 Qatari troops and 1,300 French soldiers from Feb. 16 to March 7.
Credit: Photo by Martin AbegglenÂ