“Tora Bora,” a film about a young Kuwaiti man who decides to join extremist militants in Afghanistan, and his parents’ journey to find him, will be shown at the Museum of Islamic Art in two special screenings on Thursday and Friday this week.
The Doha Film Institute (DFI) organised event will be introduced by the film’s director, Walid Alawadi, and followed by a Q&A with lead actor Saad Al Faraj.
Tora Bora’s plot follows elderly parents Abou Tareq and Om Tareq who journey to Afghanistan to search for their youngest son Ahmed, who has joined militant forces there. Meanwhile, their eldest son tries to track down both his parents and his brother with the aid of Pakistani intelligence.Â
The film, which opened the 5th Gulf Film Festival in Dubai last year, will be screened at 7pm on Thursday and Friday in Arabic with English subtitles.
Tickets can be bought here. Note, it’s recommended for viewers aged 15 and upwards only.
Here’s a trailer for the film (Arabic only):
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3EIuhiszbY?feature=player_detailpage]Thoughts?
Credit: Screenshot courtesy of Feature Narrative