Doha loses out to London for World Athletic Championships
Sorry, Qatar!
The Telegraph reports:
So London did it 16 votes to 10, a victory that appears a bit more comfortable than many observers fancied after the two bids had been delivered. Indeed, Boris Johnson had earlier declared himself “pessimistic”.
Doha’s bid had some slightly odd side notes about controlling the temperature of the stadium to suit each individual event, but overall, their bid was a pretty simple one: “We have a lot of money, would you like some of it?”
However, the IAAF instead went with the old world, new stadium of 2012 Olympics hosts London, who pulled a rabbit out of the hat by matching the $7.2M prize kitty offered by Doha and spoke very well about building on the legacy of the 2012 Olympics.
It has cost a lot of money, and political capital, but that expensive stadium in East London will be in use for a while yet.Â