Qatar Charity’s Ramadan campaign benefitted 4.8 million people globally

Source: Qatar Charity

Qatar Charity’s latest Ramadan campaign provides relief to millions of people around the world.

Almost five million people have received help during the holy month of Ramadan thanks to Qatar’s generous community, Qatar Charity has revealed. 

The organisation recently announced the statement of account for its Ramadan campaign, named “‘Ramadan: Leave Your Mark” campaign, which was launched during the holy month in 40 countries around the world, through its field offices and local partners. 

The charity revealed that the impact of the campaign reached a staggering 4,823,813 people globally, with philanthropists providing generous support for various relief projects such as water and sanitation, mosques, sponsorships, housing, education and culture, economic empowerment, and health.

Charitable institutions like Qatar Charity play an essential role in helping millions of those in need around the world. In the past decades, the organisation’s efforts have had a significant impact on people’s lives who are struggling to meet their basic needs.

Through their initiatives, they not only provide immediate relief but also help build sustainable solutions for future generations to come and help elevate some of their sufferings. 

Ramadan of hope: millions helped globally

The “‘Ramadan: Leave Your Mark” campaign is one such initiative that aims to bring relief and hope to people in need during the holy month of Ramadan. 

It has been successful in reaching out to millions of people worldwide, providing them with basic necessities like food, water, and shelter. Moreover, it has also facilitated the construction of mosques and helped provide education and healthcare services to the underprivileged.

This year, the numbers have been ground-breaking. Essentially, the charity aimed to benefit 1.9mn people. However, that number more than doubled thanks to the generous donations throughout the month. 

According to recently released statistics, the campaign provided iftar to 1,418,102 fasting people and quenched the thirst of 1,423,073 people through water and sanitation initiatives. 

Additionally, it provided relief to 928,802 people and facilitated mosque facilities for 14,050 individuals to pray. Through the donations of many, Qatar Charity was also able to sponsor 5,944 people, provide social housing to 1,392 families, and help 95,451 people receive better education and cultural opportunities. 

Furthermore, it improved the lives of 16,834 families through economic empowerment and provided health and wellness support to 920,165 people with the help of charitable donations.

The success of the campaign is a testament to the generosity and kindness of people who believe in making a difference in the world.

Qatar Charity has been at the forefront of such efforts and has made significant contributions to improving the lives of people worldwide. Through their initiatives, the organisation has not only provided relief to those in need but has also played a crucial role in building sustainable solutions for the future.