Truck movements restricted on Doha’s roads during Ramadan

The government’s announced new restrictions on the movement of trucks around Doha’s roads during the holy month.

Trucks will not be allowed into the city from 7am – 9.30am and then again from 1pm to 3pm and from 6pm to midnight.

It’s hoped the move will reduce traffic congestion during Ramadan, when road conditions are often poor

Meanwhile, the government is asking Muslims in Qatar who spot a new moon on Thursday night to let them know so they can ascertain whether Ramadan begins on Friday or Saturday.   

“The committee appealed to those who could sight the crescent moon to come to its premises at the Ministry building located in Al-Dafnah to give testimony where the panel will meet immediately after Maghrib prayers on Thursday,”   the official Qatar News Agency said.

Credit: Photo by Intrepid Flame