Qatar orgs asked not to hand out free stuff on National Sport Day

Sports Village
Sports Village

As Qatar National Sport Day (NSD) approaches, the new Ministry of Culture and Sports has asked government bodies to avoid handing out free food and gifts on Feb. 9 and instead focus on the spirit of the holiday.

According to today’s Qatar Tribune, the ministry rcently issued a circular to various entities banning the construction of tents and “temporary sports housing.”

It added that organizations should focus on raising awareness about the importance of physical activity, and that shows, performances and other such offerings detract from this main message.

NSD was founded five years ago by the Father Emir to help combat rising rates of obesity and diabetes in the country.

Qatar National Sport Day 2015

The official holiday is held on the second Tuesday of February each year, and private and public organizations across Qatar hold events to get everyone, regardless of their age or fitness levels, off the sofa and into their trainers.

In years past, some of the biggest draws for crowds have been the free fruit, hats, shirts and small toys and other swag handed out by supermarkets and government ministries.

In addition to staying on message, the ministry circular said that any sporting events planned for NSD should also follow safety and health protocols to avoid injuries.

Finally, all private and public sector entities have been asked to submit their programs and plans to a ministerial committee for approval.

Stay tuned for our Sport Day guide! Thoughts?