Two-month kingfishing ban takes effect in Qatar

Photo for illustrative purposes only.

Photo for illustrative purposes only.
Photo for illustrative purposes only.

For the second year in a row, Qatar’s environment ministry has imposed a fishing ban on kingfish to protect dwindling supply.

Starting today, fishermen are prohibited to use nets to catch Kana’ad for the next two months.

According to the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME), kingfish can only be caught using hooks or a hand line from now until Oct. 15.

GCC-wide agreement

The ban runs alongside similar prohibitions across the region. It follows a decision by the GCC Agricultural Committee in 2012 to try to protect the fish.

Last year, the MME appointed a group of specially-trained inspectors to find and write up any fishing boats that violate the ban.

These officials were to operate with the support of Qatar’s coastguard, checking fishing boats for illegal nets and catch.

Diminishing fish stocks off of Qatar’s coast have long been a concern for the authorities. Low stocks lead to price rises and threaten the country’s food security.

In addition to fishing bans, authorities have talked about building a local hatchery and stopped issuing new fishing licenses until 2022.
