Report: City Center to remain closed for at least next two days

As expected, City Center mall will not reopen to the public today, local media reports state.

The mall is still working to upgrade its emergency system and will be closed for another two days, a City Center official told Al Sharq.

The country’s largest mall caused consternation among many residents after being shuttered on Friday due to non-compliance of safety regulations.

The closure comes as the government warns of a no-nonsense policy toward non-compliant public buildings, businesses and residences.

It brought cheer to some, who said they were glad to see Qatar take the issue of public safety so seriously.

But it also worried others, as the closure of Villaggio and City Center, two of the most popular malls in Qatar, leaves many residents wondering where to buy their groceries or how to pass their free time.

What are you thoughts?

Any suggestions on what do in Qatar in the summer besides visit malls?

Credit: Photo courtesy of City Center’s Facebook page