Qatar is best in the world at being rich

Photo for illustrative purposes only. Credit: Chantelle D’mello/Doha News

There’s apparently a superlative for every country in the world, and not all of them are flattering.

The latest version of a data map called “International Number Ones” is now out, and lists defining characteristics for almost every nation on the planet.

It gives Iran props for producing caviar and Afghanistan for growing opium.

Jordan is known for taking in refugees, Turkey suffers from too much Twitter censorship, Saudi Arabia imports a lot of arms and the UAE has an abundance of men.

Qatar doesn’t make it onto the map, but in a spreadsheet of all the data compiled by researchers, it gets a shoutout for being rich.

The assertion is based on a 2014 report about the country having the world’s most millionaires per capita.

‘Light-hearted’ map

To be sure, not every country is going to be happy about its designation.

Pakistan for example got a nod for gay porn consumption, Honduras is apparently the murder capital of the world and Egypt has a lot of “heavy women.”

But some countries do surprisingly well. Zambia is credited with having lots of female entrepreneurs, Rwanda with women in Parliament and Colombia with happiness.

Speaking to the Independent last month, data journalist and information designer David McCandless clarified that the map is “meant as a light-hearted graphic.”

He added:

“Where there were multiple options for some countries, we chose the most interesting or entertaining possibility — and kept the alternatives in the datasheet.”

How does your country fare? Thoughts?