Official: Canadian embassy in Qatar is open, but not yet ‘operational’

Qatar does indeed have a Canadian embassy, but it does not yet provide consular services, an official at the Canadian embassy in Kuwait clarified to Doha News.

We’ve gotten a lot of questions about the embassy, which opened in Tornado Tower earlier this year. 

Mireille Fattouch, Consular Assistant at the Canadian embassy in Kuwait, explains:

The embassy is not yet operational and has only a trade section for now that is following some commercial activities between Qatar and Canada.

There are a couple of employees in addition to a consul and ambassador…

All Canadians are still requesting the consular services from the Canadian embassy in Kuwait.

Every couple of month, a consular visit from Kuwait takes place and the consul visits Qatar from Kuwait to provide canadians in Qatar with some consular services, mostly authentications and police clearances.

We still don’t have information if a consular section will open in Qatar, all depends on the amount of services requested.

Sorry, hopeful Canadians!


Credit: Photo by Alfred Weidinger